Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

السكن المشترك في دبي - Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

Although renting an individual and independent accommodation is generally considered a better option due to the privacy it provides to the tenant, such as renting a studio or apartment in Dubai, a significant number of people resort to searching for sharing accommodation apartments for rent in Dubai in order to reduce their budget and save some money that they would allocate towards monthly or yearly rent.

  • However, many residents or newcomers lack extensive knowledge about sharing accommodation, and they have questions before embarking on it, such as whether sharing accommodation in Dubai is legal or not, and whether the property owner has the right to approve or reject it. Therefore, in this article, we will try to clarify all the aspects related to sharing accommodation in Dubai from legal, social, and practical perspectives.

Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

The Content of Dubai’s Sharing Accommodation Law

In accordance with the regulations of RERA Dubai (Real Estate Regulatory Agency) and the laws of the Dubai Land Department, Dubai’s sharing accommodation law stipulates that the property owner must consent to the option of leasing their property under sharing accommodation system. They should also have full knowledge of all the details related to the individuals cohabiting in the same house, with the aim of regulating the relationship between the property owner and the tenants residing in their property.

  • Whereas the tenant is not entitled to benefit from the property without the knowledge and consent of the owner, according to Article 24 of Rent Law No. 26 of 2007 in Dubai, all the details related to the individuals sharing the accommodation must be mentioned in the agreement, with the owner’s consent explicitly stated in the lease contract. In the event of the tenant’s violation of sharing accommodation law, the property owner has the right to terminate the lease contract and evacuate the property along with all the inhabitants, whether the lease period has expired or not.

Article 24 of the “Tenant’s Obligations” section in Law No. 26 of 2007, which regulates the relationship between the landlord and the tenant of properties in Dubai, states: “Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in the lease contract, the tenant shall not assign the enjoyment of the property or sublease it to a third party without the written consent of the landlord.”

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Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

Sharing Accommodation in Dubai
Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

Etiquette and Regulations of Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

One of the positive aspects that drive tenants towards the option of sharing accommodation in Dubai is the opportunity to learn about different cultures and share accommodation with friends coming from abroad or residing in other areas of the Emirates. Tenants opt for sharing accommodation arrangements with others to share the cost of rent and alleviate financial burdens.

However, in many cases, the tenant and their roommate may not know each other well, highlighting the need for regulations that govern their relationship and their relationship with the property owner. This is not overlooked by Dubai’s sharing accommodation law, which includes specific etiquettes and rules for communal living, including:

Etiquette and Regulations of Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

  1. The tenant from within (roommate) has the right to continue renting the property until the expiration of the original lease agreement between the tenant and the owner.

  2. The lease contract must specify the relationship between the original tenant and the subtenant (roommate).

  3. The tenant is obligated to comply with all the prescribed laws between them and the owner.

  4. All parties involved, including the owner, the tenant, and the subtenant (roommate), must follow the housing regulations outlined in the contract.

Rules and Regulations for Singles Accommodation in UAE

Due to the influx of a large number of visitors to Dubai from different parts of the world, with diverse cultures and nationalities, sharing accommodation law for singles allows them to live together in one place, but with specific rules. One of these rules is that they must obtain the consent of the property owner after informing them of the nature of the relationship between the primary tenant and their roommate, whether the roommate is male or female. Therefore, the approval of the property owner for their living arrangement is mandatory. The property owner has the right to accept or reject the request, and the tenant is not allowed to override the owner’s decision. Failure to comply with sharing accommodation law in Dubai can result in penalties for the tenant.

Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

Facilities Allowed for Tenants and Roommates to Utilize

Sharing Accommodation law in Dubai allows tenants and their roommates to use the household facilities as they wish, such as gyms, communal sports halls, swimming pools, and other available amenities. The law requires that this provision be mentioned in the lease contract, and the owner must explicitly accept in writing the tenant and their roommates’ use of these facilities. If the tenant fails to comply with the property owner’s decision regarding the use of the facilities, it is considered a violation of sharing accommodation law, and financial penalties may be imposed.

  • Article 11 of the Dubai Sharing Accommodation Law of 2007, under the section “Rent Compensation,” states the following: “Rent compensation includes the utilization of property facilities such as swimming pools, sports fields, gyms, health clubs, parking lots, and others, unless agreed otherwise.”

In some cases, disputes or conflicts may arise between tenants or their roommates regarding the use of facilities. In such situations, it is necessary to inform the property owner so that they can address the dispute in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement and sharing accommodation law.


How to Register Sharing Accommodation Tenants in EJARI

It is essential to register roommates in EJARI system because Dubai’s EJARI system specifies the form of the lease between individuals based on the type of lease (short-term or long-term), the parties involved in the lease agreement (landlord, tenant, and roommate), the type of property (apartment, studio, etc.), and various other details related to the personal information of the property’s residents.

  • EJARI application promotes transparency and clarity in relationships within the real estate rental sector, and Dubai’s sharing accommodation law emphasizes the mandatory registration of roommates in EJARI system.

Therefore, whether you are a tenant or a roommate, you must ensure that you register in EJARI system by creating an account on the platform, entering your Emirates ID or passport details, and providing all the required information regarding the lease agreement. It is also advisable to explore real estate applications in Dubai if you are looking for sharing accommodation or roommates.

Sharing Accommodation in Dubai

Penalties for Violating Dubai’s Sharing Accommodation Law

If a tenant violates Dubai’s sharing accommodation law, the property owner has the right to evict the tenant from the leased premises and request them to vacate the building.

  • Article 25 of Dubai’s sharing accommodation law, under the section “Eviction Cases,” states the following: “If the tenant sublets the property or any part of it without obtaining the landlord’s written consent, in this case, the eviction applies to the sub-tenant while preserving the rights of the latter to claim compensation from the tenant.”


Penalties for Violating Dubai’s Sharing Accommodation Law

The fines for violating Dubai’s sharing accommodation law vary depending on the type of violation committed by individuals. However, if the primary tenant of the property unlawfully sublets it and fails to register the shared lease for a period exceeding 6 months, they are liable to pay a fine ranging from 500 to 1,000 AED. The penalty doubles if the violation is repeated more than once in the same year.

Here are some common violations of Dubai’s sharing accommodation law to avoid:

  • Delay in registering the shared lease agreement.

  • Causing damage to the property or its facilities.

  • Disturbing other tenants and not adhering to general etiquette rules.

  • Unlawfully subletting the property without informing the landlord.


In conclusion, if you wish to take advantage of Dubai’s sharing accommodation law by living with friends, acquaintances, or any other individuals, make sure to comply with all the provisions of the law and avoid committing violations. To ensure this, clarify all the details in your lease agreement.

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